
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How do you want to assign the sensual massage free

There are plenty of free space online to help to learn how to give a sensual massage. This is a massage that will help you relax and help your partner to you too. These massages are ideal for couples that want to experiment with their relationship and also for those who are suffering from all kinds of sexual problems. The different types of sensual massages are available on these pages you can find. All of these massages are known not only to the restoration of his spirit, but also your senses.

In essence, this sensual massages are life changing experience and to provide the thrill your senses. Therefore the arrival of the rest is a mix of masírují rejuvenating and erotic senses.Combining these simply create a unique user session leaves the content of the rejuvenated and relaxed. These massages, however, ensure that the user is mitigated with sensual urges aroused and you've never felt before.

This massage is a sensual massage Taoist, it was found to leave the body still excited calm. You can learn the different types of Taoist massage, which have been popular for a while now.This is a traditional massage, which frees the Taoist sexual energy as a very powerful healing, in the form of this erotic massages you have targeted your breath and relax and re-connection that physical. The objective here is to get to the place of the energetic and re-balance and healing.

These sensual massage was developed, and again in the Western world such healers and teachers can learn more about these sensual massage, massage school, confirms that even the concept of legalizování Taoist erotic massages are socially acceptable and very viable recovery form. These sensual massages are one of the cleanest form, which will help one use of the sexual energy and contribute to the achievement of higher levels of consciousness. In essence, by derogating reply ejaculation include these processed and achieve change statuses of consciousness for men.

Assistance is taken from the recipient to overcome sexual problems and disorders such as premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction.Those that suffer from poor pelvic floor pain may use the same.There is also a form of sexual massage, which respects this massage without any preferences of sex.

More here includes the Tantra massage, sensual massage, which is also very highly spiritual kind of massages.This sensual massage masseuse and ceremonial and the recipient are in another world. Here is the entire body into releasing the sexual energy coaxed into all the pores and every cell. Relaxation is gradually transformed into a Divine Bliss and have experience of passion and a sense of excitement of eruption.

To try out these forms of sensual massage does not have the necessary preparedness Here it is necessary to leave the. everything you have learned about sex and enjoy what's happening at the moment, in principle, you have to intercept. what else is missing in the quality and unique in each person the following massage and enjoy this experience blažený bridge.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Introduction to therapeutic back massage tips and techniques

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.
Picture of Massage: Cushions

Tak dlouho, dokud máte pomoci porozumení partnera, který vám poskytne dobrou zpetnou vazbu, mužete rychle naucit používat techniky lécebná masáž zpet (švédská masáž: Effleurage a stripping, aktivace Point Release), konkurencních ty masáž odborníku.

Potrebné vybavení pro lécebných zpet masáže: vyjmutí, tichý, zmírnit environment.Firm pohodlné povrchu napríklad (pevné) lužko, masážní tabulky nebo podlahová mat.Massage olej.Olej Baby udelá dobre starter.Towels: leží na a také na body.Cushions nebo polštáre.
Masážní olej snižuje trení, vytvorené na kuži a zabranuje mechanizmu vlasy. Nepoužívejte príliš: The méne ropy, tím vetší trení a tím hlubší pressure.Use pomalejší pohyby uklidnující nebo calming odpoved.Pri použití tlaku s ukazováckem a palcem, podporovat s ostatními prsty a nakloneny.Jinak bude nosit vaše nakloneny!
Masáž pacientu Comfort:

Pokud pacient nepríjemne, nižší zadní, kotníky, krku nebo ramena, dejte polštárky podle po celé délce trupu nebo za kotníky, ramena nebo na strane hlavy (diagram vpravo). V tehotenství muže pacient leží na její strane. Nepoužívejte masážní techniky v tomto clánku v tehotenství (není mírného dostatecne). Zkuste následující clánek na masáže V Pregnancy: A Step by Step Guide Picture of Massage: Cushions Cover cástí tela není práve pracovali s teplý rucník. Nalijte masážní oleje do rukou první a pak aplikujte (príliš studená jinak!) Jakmile zacne masáže, udržet ruku na osobu vždy tak, aby žádné prekvapení. Se zabránilo prímému kostnaté procesy. (Important!) - požádejte pacienta o zpetnou vazbu:Jste teplé dostatecne? Jste pohodlné?Jak se tento pocit?Masážní varování:
Minimální prímý tlak na kostnaté processes.avoid poškozené pokožky, puchýri nebo oblastí možné infekce.Viz také Back Pain Red Flags
Masáž výhody: Relaxace, uvolnení tesné muscles.Emotional pohodlí a stres management.increased orgánu awareness.Improved obehu a zlepšit lymfatické odvodnovací pro uvolnení toxinu.
Technika masáže lécebné zpet tipy:

Leží na jejich brišní na povrchu pevné a pohodlné partnera (viz níže uvedené diagramy). Ujistete se, že se dostanete zpet na jejich celé bez straining vlastní.

Zadní technika masáže, Tip 1:
Celá ruka Effleurage

Zadní technika masáže, Tip 2:
Effleurage pomocí místo rucicka

Je menší oblast kontaktu, takže tlak je hlubší. Obema rukama pracovat v kruzích - spuštení vzadu nižší. Premístí v kruhu, nejprve smerem ven a nahoru a na stred. Postupne pokroku na horní zadní (5 minut). Picture: Effleurage using Heel of Hand

Zadní technika masáže, Tip 3:
Effleurage pomocí zesílené fingers

(Menší oblast dotyku, tak hlubší znovu - viz obrázek). Stojí na opacné strane, na které pracujete.Navrhuji že vám stojí na pravé strane první.Tlacení s byty prstu (jednou rukou nad druhou) od cáry ve stredu pak neslyšne zpet smerem ke hrbetu. Spustte vzadu nižší a pracovat k horní zadní (pet minut). Picture: Effleurage using reinforced fingers

Zadní technika masáže, Tip 4:
Rozebrání, pomocí jezdce tvrzeného

Klouzejte s hlubokým trvalý tlak po celé délce svalu "klobása ve tvaru" stranách pátere (viz schéma). Zpet od tlak trochu jako je pokrytí na krku. Presouvat pomalu a zámerne, pocit uzlu nebo citlivých míst jako je trapnou z nižší horní zadní. Trikrát na každé strane;strídají se pár minut effleurage (techniky jeden až tri) a opakujte rozebrání.Picture, Massage Technique: Stripping Zadní technika masáže, Tip 5:
Zahájil pomocí stredního prstu výroba:

Upevnit hluboké pohyb obou stranách každý proces spinous.Spustte na stranu nižší pátere a posouvají smerem nahoru. Použít více 5 zahájil na každém míste - Pokud pres místo bolestivý. Picture: Massage Technique, Frictions Zpet technika masáže 6:
"Effleurage" pomocí predloktí

Použít pevné dolu tlaku (viz obrázek), a presunte ramenem nejblíže hlavy až pod ramena cepele.6 tahu.Pro první tah, nezapomente na možnost, nižší zadní bolesti Massge Technique Frictions zpet technika masáže, Tip 7:
Spustit verzi pomocí trvalého tlaku z vyztuženého jezdce.

Nechat pacienta bolesti být vaším pruvodcem.Umístete váš palec, pres všechny nabídky míst nebo suku, že vašeho pacienta muže mít sdelil vám o nebo že muže možná cítil a stisknete pevne a tím rostoucí tlak: postupne zvyšovat tlak, bolesti bylo 6 nebo 7 na stupnici od jedné do deseti.Podržte tlaku, dokud snižuje bolest asi 4/10 (trvá asi 5 sekund).Okamžite (nemusíte zastavit tlak), opet zvýšit až bolest je 6 až 7 v rozsahu 10 a znovu držet dokud podezrení bolest subvence 4/10.Opakujte krok 2.Je to bolestivé, ale nelze provést mnoho škody pacientovi - docela naopak: bolest svalu a zpet (horní nebo dolní) muže zázracne zmizí.Váš palec je vetší pravdepodobnost, že trpí, proto se ujistete, že zpet do prsty druhé ruky a po každé aktivacní bod uvolnení, aby váš palec trochu masáž príliš.Massage Technique: Trigger Point Release

Zadní technika masáže, Tip 8:
Dokoncování s Effleurage

Pacientu poradenství:

Pet dní po masáže podporovat pacienta sedet, stojí ješte ani spustit, déle než pul hodiny v dobe;ale spíše krátký peší prestávku a casto usrkávat vody.

Zpet na bolesti Red Flags

Pokud vaše masáž pacienta zpet bolesti (horní nebo dolní) související s následující naleznete jejich lékare.Viz také:-Back Pain Red Flags mladší než 20 nebo starší než 55 a získání zpet na bolest poprvé.Bolesti po násilné zranení, napríklad dopravní nehode.Bolest je konstantní a získání worse.Pain je v horní cásti spine.Cancer v minulosti, nebo na present.Taking (Cortico)steroids.Drug abuser nebo HIV infected.Generally vzácne feverish.Significant loss.Continue váhu mají velké potíže, ohýbání forwards.Nerve související problémy než bolest: ztráta pocitek (zejména z oblasti, která by sedí na sedlo - tak nazývá sedlo anestezie), ztráta energie, mocových cest nebo strukturální deformit streve incontinence.Obvious váš spine.Debilitating bolesti, které nejsou snižuje po 4-6 týdnu.(
Naše doporucení masáž v Jakarta:
Pijat Wanita, Alamat Pijat Jakarta, Pijat Pria, Pijit Plus, masáže, Jakarta

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"Sensual Touch Massage

The combination of aroma and touch is very effective when you open the intimity between two people. That is basically how we communicate in an effective way of love, so that it will not include with the subject of debate. It also works wonderfully on the base of the physical level. There are many Nerve endings that follow the path of the spine. How is the massage, your touch brings the blood to the surface, the speed of absorption of oil into the skin and also bring up the levels of oxytocin, the hormone at a high level for the process of sexual excitement. Massage is especially a good thing for men to focus. Women often need the kind of attention gives them a more intimate atmosphere with the management of the activities. Them to take care of romance-aspect, it is extremely important between two people. If you're interested at all levels, with each other will be more interesting and intensive erotic experiences. And touch and aroma are the best ways to really open some of these deeper levels. Backrub is something that everyone can benefit from the positive impact and is a good place to start. Using oils is doing quite different and much more exciting experience. Massage starts with a small amount of your chosen aromatherapy oil, just a teaspoon or so. The oil palm rub vigorously into the hands of the warm before it touches the skin of the partner. About doubled voltage, as there was before running quickly creates cold oil poured on the back! There are certain basic messages in order to get rid of tension techniques, which are very effective. The voltage is often accumulate in the neck, shoulders and upper back, lower back and the women and men in the Buttocks. Actually it is not important as a massage. The idea is a masseur or masseuse, expert. Seduction ritual is! Be creative and playful. Friendly Press: Your lover lying face down or degrade him kneel on their side. Gently press down on the partner's arm and on both sides of the spine. Press right on the bike during the massage. This gives your partner a few moments on the feeling of being at the hands of their skin. Back warmer: Today begins the heat back his lover. With the flat of the hand fingers together, Palm trees, which, in contact with the skin, move the hands in parallel lines on both sides of the spine, then over the shoulders and down the sides of the hull. Molding: He worked as a deeply is comfortable for your partner, knead muscles fingerprints using the back, neck and shoulders from and working the way down. Go slowly and, if necessary, use the oil. Raking: Extend your fingers and their retention is somewhat steep order them back from the shoulders down on the Buttocks. This issue of the deep underlying tension in the tissue. Lower back: Lower back and the sacrum (bottom of the triangle between the Buttocks to the end of the vertebral column) can be overloaded, and management, in particular women, premenstrual. Gently massage the area small, circular strokes of the buttocks, hips, and thighs. Use the lower back With the man in the spiral. In the upper part of the fracture between Buttocks with your fingers to small spiral up both sides of the tailbone up cross-bones, and then press your thumbs up along the upper part of the hip and move out, across and down on the side of the body to the floor. Repeat several times. Buttocks: Try a "Thumb on top of the mountain." At the bottom, firmly press the meat of your Buttocks inches and follow the curve to around and on the side of the hips. Tender and sensitive areas, this may be so use only as much pressure as your lover, you can easily tolerated. Return to the first position, and move your fingers apart slightly to describe the second curve is parallel to and beyond the first, continue until you have no curves to the left. Repeat several times. Legs: Once you get to your lover of legs, you can find yourself getting rozptyloval and decide to move the focus to other species of concern. Or do you want to test some massage strokes with your own design. Or you can ask your partner to turn over and continue to massage with a few more strokes on the front part of the body. Shoulders and Truhla presses: Churches, as your partner, because it is the area lying down on the shoulders, hold down the key. Ask your partner to take a deep breath and release allow you to work their magic to increase the pressure by hand, slightly essential oils. At the end of exhalation release. Slide your hand up and over your lover collar bones and very gently press. Let take a deep breath-hold, then release. Now move the hands to the center of the chest (between the breasts of a woman) and laying one hand above the other, very gently press. Be a partner of the deep breath and release. Sexual energy Release points, the neck and ears: Promote your lover to breathe deep and relaxing way, you can gently massage the neck, forming small circles after freeing space on the top of the neck and mid-and. If the massage Prelude to lovemaking, now is the time to have really good start kissing. Remember, too, is a woman breast are highly charged with energy and create DVDs in response the dramatic excitement when masírují or fruit. Make do! You will also be yourself here. Relax, make do and be creative, you will be carried out without problems!

Alamat Pijat Pria di Jakarta:
Pijat massage massage Wanita, Jakarta Jakarta Alamat di Jakarta, Pijat Pria

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Breast Massage for women (you'll need for a healthy body and firm breasts)

W e get dozens of emails daily from women (or people on women in the life) are on their chests in or the second way. You can probably guess, many of these women (and men in their life) wishing to have a larger size of the breast. We Tried repeatedly stresses that it is not possible to increase the size of even small amounts (except, of course, the use of breast enlargement of the surgical procedure, or a similar system of Brava attempt). From the breast is due in large part to identify the genes (to a limited extent from eating habits while still growing), nothing just dospelácký women after they are fully developed better care. "you can take advantage of their strong and cute for a long time. (Link: increase the size of the chest through diet and exercise)

Sun On most items is self-massage. Oriental women made these massages for centuries in the hot water springs (unfortunately modesty requirements of modern times have almost destroyed this practice). This massage is not mentioned in the old version of the Ayurveda medical (Hindu medicine from the iron age).Massage acts as a resource to beautify, promote a beautiful shape, for greater comfort and deeper therapeutic reasons. Ayurveda teaches that increases the massage on and around the breast tissue or contributes to the maintenance of health in all parts of the female reproductive tissues, as well as assistance in the hormonal balance.

Sun On most items is self-massage. Oriental women made these massages for centuries in the hot water springs (unfortunately modesty requirements of modern times have almost destroyed this practice).This massage is not mentioned in the old version of the Ayurveda medical (Hindu medicine from the iron age) Massage acts as a resource to beautify, promote a beautiful shape, for greater comfort and deeper therapeutic reasons. Ayurveda teaches that increases the massage on and around the breast tissue or contributes to the maintenance of health in all parts of the female reproductive tissues, as well as assistance in the hormonal balance. Technique

Ake M, whether you are comfortable and feel safe. Find a private place, so that they can do it at the time of the physical and the spiritual is the simplest implementation of the self.-massage with light lubricant such as massage oil.You can also place the mask massage the chest before the massage-Massage can be Self ... take a lying or sitting in a comfortable position – whatever works for you.

For sing hand be on the other hand, start gently using masírují moderate pressure-round strokes leaky outside the Centre and work in the area of underarm, as well as in the center of the chest (sternum). By putting its oil in this manner.

M ove fingers around the gentle movement., With a little oil lubricating the fingerprints for ease of movement.

G ently massages from molding, each of them, by lifting and slightly pressure movements.Include a slight pressure compression to move outside the stagnant liquids. you can also gently twist each of them, with both hands, wringing movement.

For flat bottom fingers with a wide contact gently, but firmly, scoop and raise your tissue begins from the underarm and move to the right or left, medium pressure towards the center of the entire periphery. Massage each of them in this way.

C onclude using a light touch to the Center, anti-aliasing fat away from the Center. Breath fully Relax by drinking a glass of cool. water.

Our recomendation massage in jakarta:

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Monday, November 1, 2010

"Sensual Massage Oil

Alternative therapy massage can be traced back to India, Japan, China, Egypt, Rome and Greece. The pressure is shown in the selected body with AIDS or manually. The gastrointestinal system, or tissues such as skin, tendons, joints, muscles, ligaments or lymphatic vessels are determined during a massage. Use the massage with the fingers, hands, elbows, forearms and the legs are used. Massages are a form of therapeutic touch, which relax the body and provides relief from muscular tension. This form of therapy has been identified, suitable for body aches, backaches, headaches, joints and sensual excitement. Although research has shown that the various benefits of massaging, is not supported in clinical studies.

Medicinal and aromatic oils of various types for the massage of the body. Salts are also used in conjunction with oil, dry skin and soften the body. Massage therapist or other health care professionals such as chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists and sports trainers, perform a massage. Through the use of essential oils Massaging from aromatic plants to enhance the health and beauty is called aromatherapy.In addition to the natural advantages of the softer effect of essential oils in mind, and different emotions. Oil extracted from the roses and Jasmine is known to have aphrodisiacal and massage, sensual body.

Exciting oil massage is to use the techniques of massage with essential oils for erotic and sexual Erogenous zones of the body purposes. as the weaknesses and other intimate parts during massages are changed so that the increase in sexual arousal. The central areas of these massage depends on gender, which is won and he he.

Sensual massage oil is often used as sexual therapy. Massage and oils, which are used to stimulate the libido and increase the ability of persons with sexual stimuli.Such massage oil may be in the form of Foreplay without sexual gratification is only heightens the sensitivity. individuals. Sometimes sensual massage therapists are used for professional purposes. Men who are infected with the problem of premature ejaculation can be cured by means of this therapy.

Nothing can be more than a sensually tactile soft and soothing hands of sailing through the skin.Sensual massage oil is an intimate, romantic and relaxing. in fact, is the best way to relax after a tiring and a hectic week.The correct oil massage involves the use of pressure in various nerve sites in the body.This touching the contact points in the text must be kept.This type of massage will help to release all the pain or tension, which is hidden in the body.

Oils used in the sensual massage for the senses and the renewal of mind and body. There are various types of massage oils, which are extracted from the different types of fruit and flowers such as lavender, Rosemary, Sesame, juniper berries, sweet almond, apricot, coconut, sunflower, avocados, grape seed, olive, ylang-ylang, etc., many of these oils are Aphrodisiacs and anti depressants-Sensual massage oil. so you can as a sedating agent and effectiveness in reducing anxiety.(

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Buddy Products 610543 Ergo-Wise Footrest, 18-3/8 x 11-3/8 x 4-1/4, Black/Graphite Roller, Chrome Frame

Buddy Products 610543 Ergo-Wise Footrest, 18-3/8 x 11-3/8 x 4-1/4, Black/Graphite Roller, Chrome FrameInnovative design features six textured rollers which move independently to provide a relaxing massage. Angle adjustment knobs tighten to stabilize platform; loosen to rock back and forth to stretch legs. Black rollers with graphite endcaps; chrome finish frame. 18-3/8w x 11-3/8d x 4-1/4h. Assembly required.

Price: $74.50

Click here to buy from Amazon

Breo Breeze ISee-360 Digital Air Pressure Eye Massager with Vibration, Heat, and Music - Best on the market

Breo Breeze ISee-360 Digital Air Pressure Eye Massager with Vibration, Heat, and Music - Best on the marketWe recommended this eye massager for everyone. Regular eye massage for 5 to 10 minutes is a good practice to prevent vision problems and help to reduce stress and help to have better sleep. However, most people don't know how to do it and don't have the motivation to do it.

The Breo Breeze ISee-360 eye massager is a fun way to have eye massage. It is best for people who use computer monitors for extended periods of time (e.g. computer operators, accountants, designers, and engineers). People who suffer from pouchy eyes, dark eye circles, or eye wrinkles caused by tiredness and unsmooth blood circulation. People suffering from insomnia, headache, migraines, and presbyopia. However, everyone should have benefit to their eyes using this massager.

- Safe to Use

- Pure Physical Massaging, No Side Effects, Fully Massages Eyes & Temples

- Cool Design

- Adjustable in Shape and Size for Comfort

- Adjustable strap length

- Portable and Easy to Use

- Power by 4 AA batteries (Batteries included), batteries last 6 hours of use, can use rechargeable batteries (no AC adapter included),
- Headphones included

Price: $199.95

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Massage Therapy Success

How massage therapists can get more clients & Keep Them Coming Back For The Rest Of Their Massage Careers

Check it out!

The carpal Tunnel Recovery Kit

Treat carpal tunnel syndrome naturally use self massage and distances. This product contains an eBook and videos.

Check it out!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Massage Therapy Careers

Ebook-Massage Therapy Career Guide-the truth about becoming a massage Therapist.

Check it out!

Massage therapists Survival Guide

Subsidiary has the following advantages when you sell our products: 1. the author has established international credibility. Competitive price, High Commission 3. Unique content 4. Newly released product (april 2010) 5. Incredible worldwide potential

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Start successful massage businesses in your area today

Step by step guide to starting and sustaining a successful massage business with little to no work on your part

Check it out!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Waterpik Performance Five Mode Hand Held Showerhead

"...In an agitated stream, it is difficult to see a reflection. In a calm lake, that reflection is clear...."

Liquid Mind VII: Reflection, the seventh in Liquid Mind 's unique ultra-slow relaxation albums, ebbs and flows with a peaceful and introspective elegance. Science has proven that our minds and bodies harmonize with the tempo of our surroundings, and that slow music may cause a general relaxation of muscle tension. This beautiful album is "musical healthcare" at its best: ideal for sleeping, meditation, anxiety and anger management, as a background to Reiki, Yoga, massage, and to enhance all healing activities. Parents and teachers find it useful to quiet hyperactive kids, veterinarians use the music to help animals recovering from surgery, mothers give birth to it, students study to it, artists paint and writers write to the musical backdrop of Liquid Mind. This subtle music has a way of opening our hearts and minds to our true selves.


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BestMassage Blue 2 Fold Massage Table With Free Carry Case

BestMassage Blue 2 Fold Massage Table With Free Carry CaseDo not get fool by the low price of this great massage table, the price is low, but the quality is high. This massage table is not only a great bargain during this sluggish economy, but also comes complete with all functional components. The frame is made of birch to ensure professional strength with a weight limit of 450LB. This table is easy to fold and unfold and comes with a free carry case. The upholstery is comprised of two-inch thick high density small-cell foam padding and oil & water-proof PU leather, not cheap PVC used by others. This table is ideal for students, new practitioners, home users and anyone who wants to have a great massage table with limited budget. Importantly, this best deal table comes equipped with numerous free accessories such as Free Adjustable Headrest Free Face Pillow Free Hanging Armshelf Free One Pair Of Hand Rest Free Deluxe Carring Case Fast Shipping to 48 states This Table is in stock

Price: $329.99

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dycem Non-Slip Circular Pad, 7-1/2" Diameter, Blue

Dycem Non-Slip Circular Pad, 7-1/2Used by many occupational therapists, physical therapists and healthcare professionals as an effective anti-slip material. Mats for healthcare, home and leisure provide a secure surface that anchors items such as cups, plates, tools, note pads and telephones to a table. The mats are great for trays and any dry surface which needs extra grip. During therapy the extra stability can facilitate a variety of co-ordination and spatial awareness exercises. Y-yellow, R-red, B-blue, G-forest green, MG-metallic green, BLK-black. *8½" and 10" diameter circular pads available in Y, R and B only.

Price: $16.95

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Complete Second Season

Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Complete Second SeasonIt's more of the same for Larry David's sitcom from HBO, and for fans, that's a good thing. The show--largely extemporized--follows suit of David's former series, Seinfeld: it's a show about nothing, just the everyday life of the star going about his pseudo-real world. But David's show has far more edge (thanks, in part, to airing on cable TV) with all the bad luck, embarrassing situations, and dreadful behavior as its premiere season. The closest thing to an arc is David's season-long pitch to the networks for a new show starring former Seinfeld stars Jason Alexander and Julia-Louis Dreyfus. Each network is lampooned, especially HBO, which David has a bad history with in this alternate world. Sure to repel those with soft funny bones, Curb's acerbic comedy allows jokes where David is accidentally framed--if ever so briefly--as a child molester, wife abuser, or murderer. But for those who do love his shtick, there are big laughs, especially when we bump into characters as unbridled as David, like a fellow writer who is quite protective of his dad's invention, the Cobb salad.

Many comic actors pop up, some as "themselves" (Richard Lewis, Rob Reiner) and others as characters (Rita Wilson, Ed Asner) along with the delights of co-stars Cheryl Hines as David's wife and his affable manger, Jeff Garlin. There are several touchstone bits: what a thong brief can do to a relationship, a run-in with pro wrestler, Larry's first baptism, and one very collectible doll. To pick one episode to capture this second season--and its grandstanding nature--it would be "Shaq," in which the NBA star is accidentally tripped, changing David's usual bad luck with gut-busting results. --Doug Thomas

Price: $39.98

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby Einstein - Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments

Baby Einstein - Meet the Orchestra - First InstrumentsAdults may think it's too early to teach a baby the difference between a trumpet and a bugle, but Baby Einstein: Meet the Orchestra--First Instruments entertains children with its next music installment. Relying on its tried-and-true formula of bright colors, quick-paced format, and almost no dialogue (except to repeat names and identify groups by section: brass, woodwinds, strings, and so forth), First Instruments flashes the instrument and its name on the screen, demonstrates how it sounds, and shows animated characters, puppets, babies, youth, and grown-ups all performing on (and enjoying) it. It then combines instruments for a few classical numbers. The jazzy rendition of Beethoven's "Fur Elise" is questionable (it would be nicer to teach kids appreciation for the real thing). Bonus features include instrument flash cards, several puppet shows, a featurette teaching more about music, and additional orchestral numbers. A nice diversion for your little maestro-to-be. Ages 1 year and up.--Ellen A. Kim

Price: $19.99

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Charlie's Soap Powder - 2.64 lb (80 Loads)

Charlie's Soap Powder - 2.64 lb  (80 Loads)Our 3 lbs. bag of laundry powder can do up to 80 full wash loads. Thats just pennies per load! - Needs only 1 TABLESPOON per large washload - That's all! This is not an additive. All of the features of Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid but more concentrated. Hypoallergenic - leaves no residue - perfect for babies and those who have sensitive skin. Dissolves completely / biodegradable. Front-loader / HE compatible. Our Laundry Powder is a revolutionary approach to laundry care. It does not cover up stains and odors with scents and brighteners - it really cleans. It is made with a unique blend of biodegradable coconut-based detergents and high-grade, completely soluble, Green River washing soda.

Price: $15.49

Click here to buy from Amazon

Buttock Massage

It was seen that the buttock or butt massages have different benefits to the body and also improve the overall health through extreme relaxation. In principle, butt or Buttocks are one of the most tired parts of the body, and this happens because there are seated all day. Provides long hours at the computer simply and prolonged sitting, butt muscles are often a lot of pain and get stiff and sore.

Butt muscles also have their share of relaxation and exercise, massages are the best way to achieve the same. In principle, butt massage helps to reduce stress and getting regular massage helps to mitigate these muscles.Many health experts, you will notice that many of these diseases is stress-related and even the same relaxation through these consequently butt massage can help you reduce stress and the risk of illness.

It was seen that these massages, include special techniques and butt manual movements that help reduce the stress in these areas, along with providing the overall relaxation. There are various butt massages, where the feet are also used to mitigate these muscles and Thai and Swedish massage is one of the most popular butt massage. Butt Massage also helps fight the pain and the nerves with other parts of the body as a back end that helps muscles to relax.

It was seen that the muscles can get tough, the pain and begin during the long working hours sitting in front of the computer. But these massages you can stretch the stiffened muscles, so that the body becomes more flexible and painful feeling of these areas is gone. Butt Massage, usually accompanied by a whole body massage, so that you have the feeling of total relaxation with a focus on key areas, such as cigarette butts or rear.

In addition to the many benefits of massage, the most important benefit of butt is that it improves the blood circulation and ensures that the body gets commitment oxygenated blood.Through these butt massage can also benefit from the removal of toxins from the body and it is easier to pregnancy increases.During pregnancy, most women have chronic pain in their Buttocks and from here is these massages are a boon to them also has not been proved., massage in pregnancy allows for easy work and assist in the smooth deliveries.

Those who are athletes and to the strong physical work, and even those who have extended hours, should obtain these massages, relaxation and rejuvenation massage is carried out if properly then it will also help prevent and reduce stretch marks how surgery marks. These massages help in circulation and lymph nodes.

Butt Massage also improve the movement of the joints of the bones and, therefore, it is easier and can be more proactive and through the following massages will reduce the probability of injury to the leg muscles during the exercise.(


Recommendaton massage:

Pijat massage massage Wanita, Jakarta Jakarta Alamat di Jakarta, Pijat Pria

View the original article here

Friday, October 22, 2010

Giving A Romantic Massage

The beauty and love is demonstrated in many ways, but none quite personal, and loving as a massage. Many massage can lead to better communication and understanding with your partner. At other times, it is only that someone is devoting their time, to make you feel incredible, make sure that it's extra special knowledge. Massage has been said to be the dance of love with your fingertips. Listed correctly, this may be one of the most sensual moments intensly, which you can share with your partner. And no, because the skin is surprisely largest sensory organs in the body! For your additional gift why give gift massage?
You Will Need: * willing recipient
* space
* on the warm place
* oil or solution
* towel
* padded area
* soft music
* propsMassage ingredients:

You will need the oil or solution. Fragrant oils are fine, but keep in mind the sensitivity of the skin or partner smells irritation. Also make sure that they are allergic to any kind of oil or a solution. If you would rather use oil or water, try the cornstarch. Actually it works great.:)

Furthermore, you will need to decide on the location. Of course, not many have access to the table so you can create additional massage is the best thing!
Rugged tabletop full foam or blankets works very. otherwise, try the padded floor or for the more adventurous, a big towel on the beach or secluded Park. If you plan to take the necessary measures outside the massage against insects, excessive heat or coldness. If you stay inside is more attractive, then let you without distractions! That is, unplug the phone and ensure that no one in the House, including children. If you choose, make sure that you have an easy and convenient access to the left and right sides of the body of your partner, and that the temperature is warm.If you need to be cover areas of the body is not working with light, comfortable with a mail or use a portable heater.

You will need the towel or two clear hand or your partner can also be handy. Towel for the very spot. :)

For your cover, be sure to choose something naturally be preserved with OK.Sheet works perfectly.

The most part massage can often be the atmosphere, in which it is presented. If the quality of time spent on your mood, you both will reap the rewards! Play some soft relaxing, classical, jazz or "mood" music in the background without the harsh rythms or words can play anything. Great mood of regulators, and candles, Incense and flowers. Try setting the impression the continuity of the sense of sensuality and comfort. Take some time and make sure that you have, pillows and blankets.For its temple of love.

Props are a beautiful addition to any massage. nothing, which is soft to the touch, but not too light, to tickle is wonderful.Feathers, silk scarf, flannel flowers, beautifully strips, work, etc.If you are using a feather, make sure that you don't want to do it too lightly.:)If you decide to use props, keep them within easy reach.

Massage tips:

Before you begin, make sure that your partner is comfortable and doesn't need anything.(and thus will have to go hungry, restroom, etc.).

If you want to, you can simple back to rub or head massage (often overlooked sensual area) or.This will get you and your partner in communication between them, as well as your partner to gain for your contact you both ready, your partner must lie on their stomachs.Stradle partner company of the body (feet on each side) and begins slightly, let your fingers stroke from the neck down Each stroke should start from the back and roll off the sides of the body of your partner.Note that the constant movement is the key.Always try to have an even pressure between each hand.

Insert or remove your hand, using the glide API in the glide API off style touching. Glide in hand will move, or disable the body to maintain the flow of fluid direction. and at the same time massaging movements To your mixes. ", each of them to increase the previous indicator and the preparation of the next Stroke must be fluid, never stutter. Always have the hands around the body, or rather then stop in mid-flow.

Keep the massage differentiated. often change the pace, rythm and pressure point is mitigated by your partner, do not have to sleep!)

If you are unsure of how much the pressure of the grant, the lighter is usually better. Although it is appropriate to go as far as your partner, the preferred way. are two of something, as both massage (legs, arms, etc.).

Make sure that the recipient is enjoying what you see Normally. but if you're unsure, just ask.

Be comfortable and confident in yourself and what you are sending your gift to your partner-leave for this show here leave. your heart be your guide and rules of the instincts of fingers.(

Jakarta massage our recommendations:
Jakarta, Pijat Massage Wanita, Alamat Pijat Jakarta, Pijat Pria, Pijit Ekstra

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How can I allocate a sensual massage for men

Mood candlesPeter Becker sensual massage can be an amazing experience for both the person and the person on the receiving massages. The aim is to reduce the stress or massage is just one part of a romantic evening, sensual massage, you can join couples closer and provide a quiet, intimate learning more information about yourself. Know how you can provide a sensual massage men is an excellent way to give life a little bit of romance.

Set the mood lighting candles, aromatherapy, and play the music rest. The effectiveness of the sensual massage requires more than just a quick rub shoulders, neck, and vice versa.The entire experience matters as much as a physical act. make sure that you choose the location of private and relaxing.

Place a sheet or a towel on the bed or floor protection of surfaces before any damage caused by oil spills and used during the massage.Be partner sits on his stomach.

Sensual massage starts to massage the scalp with a partner to work with his fingers. head, a slight pressure and the small circular movements of the fine work.

Your massage oils by selecting one or more of the aromatic oils and adding them to the base of grapes or vegetable oil.Sandalwood and lavender are generally well tolerated and pleasant aroma.

Liberal use of oil as the tension caused by wet, dry skin, dry skin may be in the range from annoying to painful. If you are using oil during your massage, pay close attention to all developing redness itching or other signs of allergic reactions.

Start at the head, neck, shoulders move to and take advantage of their time back and watch the feedback from the partner feedback can be a verbal and nonverbal.The technique is important during the sensual massage as other types of massage.

More or less pressure during your massage use depends on the answers appear. Slowly working way down the body, be careful not to all the areas requiring attention neglect. Massage the movement downwards to improve circulation.

Make sure to massage, both front and rear of your partner, with it, rotate it, once you have fully masírují one side of his body.

Your partner for sleep very relaxing massage during some men may be very difficult to stay awake. If you have plans for a sensual massage, you can wake up your partner after 20 minutes.(From Sandra Ketcham, eHow contributing Writer)

Jakarta massage our recommendations:
Jakarta, Pijat Massage Wanita, Alamat Pijat Jakarta, Pijat Pria, Pijit Plus

View the original article here

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tantra Massage Therapists

The origin of the massage can be derived, Greece, Rome, Japan, China, Egypt and India. Includes putting pressure on the part of the body selected manually or using the widget. Tissues that are mostly targeted include skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, lymphatic vessels, or even the gastrointestinal system. Elbows, Fingers, hands, forearms, feet massage can be applied. Massages are seen as a form of therapeutic touch give rise to the feeling of relaxation and relief from muscular tension. It has been found useful for backaches, body aches, headache, joints and sensual excitement. Indeed, nothing is more natural than using touch relieve pain or distress.

When massaging the body are used different kinds of medicinal and aromatic oils. Remove dry skin and soften the body, the salt is used together with oil.There are different kinds of massage and a massage can be performed by a doctor or other health care professionals such as chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists and sports instructors. When medical research has shown that the various benefits of massaging, is not supported on good clinical studies.

Tantric massage, sensual one, even though scientific in its way of handling the soft tissues of the body.A sensuous massage is the use of massage techniques for the purpose of the Erogenous zone of the erotic. the body, such as the area on the weaknesses and intimate body parts, which are usually not in therapeutic massages are changed so that the increase in sexual arousal. The central area of sensual massage depends on the sex of the person receiving it and the masseuse/masseur.

Tantric massage can be used as sexual therapy, is as a means to stimulate libido, or increase the ability of persons to execute the sensual stimuli. In some cases it may be in the form of sexual gratification without Foreplay, intended for enhanced promotion of the sensitivity of the individual. In some cases, these treatments are used for professional purposes men issues about premature ejaculation.

There is nothing more relaxing than a sensually tactile sailing through the skin in the hands of the softly lit room. Tantric massage is romantic, intimate and relaxing.In fact, after a week's hectic and tiring, it cannot be a better way to deliver a variety of actions, some of the oil. roses and Jasmine is known to have aphrodisiacal and are great for the massage of the body. Massaging the body includes the Correct application of pressure on the various places in the Nerve.Touching certain contact points in the text must be kept.This massage helps a variety of pain and tension of the body and achieve total relaxation.

Tantric massage can also be a spiritual practice, went way than just touching the skin.Knowledge and understanding of the human aura and energy centers are required before dvoutisícovými in this massage, in addition to an increase in sexual. energy, Tantric massage for spiritual energy Kundalini Kundalini is dormant. gutter through this massage is supported by its energy is activated, the seven chakras and all of these increases to the spine, for revival of the essential sources of energy, Emotional, physical and spiritual rejuvenation.(

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Tips to enjoy a massage

Massage should be soothing, relaxing experience. So why do so many people arrive at 1: 30 am to 1: 30 pm massage? You should already be in your Robe! And if you arrive late, crazy, and they do not have. Get there soon is the most important tip your massage. But there are many more. (hint-to-eat a large sausage sub directly before the get, and don't forget to speak If you don't like the pressure. Here are a few tips, adapted to the Association of American massage therapy and allow you to take advantage of your massage.

Be passive. do not eat just before the massage session.
At the time. If you arrive in the State of the crazy, rushed, it will take more time to relax.
If you want to remove all your clothes, discuss with the doctor girl full massage. Use what is comfortable, that will allow the doctor girl massage for work in the areas of your body that need to be.
Good communication is very important. prior to the meeting the girl full massage to provide information of a precise health and have a massage therapist, know what you want the massage service.During the massage session speak any feedback on the pressure, speed of movement, the ambient temperature, the volume of the music or lighting. Some people wanted to speak during the session service massage, while the other remains silent. in General, should do, whether you'd like and massage therapist will follow their lead.
Breathing helps facilitate relaxation.People often feel they are the preferred breathing Pocituji anxiety or sensitive areas is the massage girl. If you find that this is happening, remember to breathe.
Try to tighten up during the massage.Let your doctor know if full massage done. it may be necessary to adjust the full massage technique uses. they may also be handicapped you relax area.

If you find that your thoughts are racing during the massage girl, is one of the ways more "body Center" and quiet the mind by the hands of the massage therapist and a focus on how they touch.
If something happens during the massage, dislike, or appears to be incorrect, you have the right to ask the doctor to stop the massage is necessary, you also have the right to terminate the session if the dizzy or light headed after massage, it is not possible to obtain the table too quickly.
In addition, water to drink, after a massage.

Our recomendation massage:
Pijat Wanita, Alamat Pijat Jakarta, Pijat Pria, Pijit Plus, massages, Jakarta

View the original article here

The art of massage

In the days of aspirin, heating pads and grottos human beings in an old-fashioned way painful bodies, with a massage. In many respects, is the largest of all the natural resources of the natural massage. Affect the body, where it hurts most seems to be a basic Instinct, as well as from danger or eating even when you're hungry. And experts have to say that massage, regardless of how the seemingly simple or primitive, which can be very powerful.

Massage is a very long way over the centuries. Various massage requires different techniques such as Swedish massage uses, soothing, valve and kneading strokes to work the whole body, muscular tension and also tlumícími release painful joints.Swedish massage Therapists often use five basic strokes that anyone can learn and also apply to yourself and others Are effleurage, petrissage, where are the muscles gently grabbed and cancelled, friction, in which the thumbs up and hand work in deep into the thickest part of the circles of muscles, tapotement, which includes, mowing, clicking, and then click stroke, and finally, vibrations, where are your fingers pressed firmly on the muscle or merged, then the area quickly shake for a few seconds.

Deep Tissue massage focuses on chronic tension in the muscles, which lies deep under the surface of the body.For example, five layers of muscles of the back, and while the Swedish massage can help you, perhaps, the first few layers, it will not do much for muscle, directly below this. Deep muscle techniques would require usually slow strokes, direct pressure or even friction movements that could go through the grain and the muscles. Massage therapists will prefer to use their fingers, inches, or occasionally a much needed pressure elbows.

Sports massage is actually makes it easier to better train, whether you are a Champion of the world, or even on the weekend warrior. techniques are very similar to those in the Swedish and deep tissue massage, but said that the sports massage has been adapted to the specific requirements of the athlete. Pre-Event helps to massage muscles and also improve circulation, before the competition, but also can energize or even relax athlete and help him or her to concentrate on the main competition. By visiting massage, you can manage waste products from the body of pushing and also improve.

Neuromuscular massage is a type of deep tissue massage, which is used for each of the muscles Used to increase the flow of. blood, reduce pain, and finally release the pressure on the nerves, which are caused by the injuries to the muscles and other soft tissues.Neuromuscular massage also helps to release the trigger points.Intensive knots CAS muscles can also cause pain to other parts of the body.Rotating CAS activation point in your back could help ease the pain in title or even reduce headaches.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on the skull and the spinal column using a very gentle. Therapists pressure than the actual weight of nickel massages, membranes and also liquid, which support and swim with the skull and vertebral column. Theory is that these processes will reduce the tension and, ultimately, to any natural person may have experienced trauma to the head in years.(


Alamat Pijat di Jakarta:

Alamat Pijat Pria di Jakarta, jakarta, pijat massage wanita

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tantra Lingam Massage

There are different types of massages, providing health benefits and other natural gains. Tantra Massage lingam is spiritual tradition, which originates in India and if he was about 4 years ago. Tantra Massage lingam is a way of life, which celebrates and seeks to unify the body. Here is the importance of the Union of the body, mind, heart and soul. Therefore, it may be listed also in the form of Tantra yoga, which means that the Union and to the ultimate purpose of Tantra is the unification of the lovers.

The principle of Tantra believe that eventually the Union with the Divine and the Tantric tradition and massage, sexuality and Spirituality. Here, the aim of the actually invite lovers of God in their beds. There are many cultures which have this cumbersome and pleasant change.These include taoisté massages in China and Cheyenne in North America. Although, in practice, differences are all forms of sacred sexuality.

The theme is here to share the intentional cultivation and use of sexual energy into the wounds, spiritual growth, creative, and extended pleasure during the 1800 's, the practice of Tantra was first introduced to the West, and during the 1960s revival of Tantric has led to the popularization of these practices in Europe and North America. Recently also were the successes of the celebrities and movie stars, musicians to support.

Tantra the sexual instruction according to the selection, and is ideal for those who want to enjoy a life of passionate sex, healthy body, and spiritual growth. Involve various forms of contractions and massages and even sound into the massage on the impression the continuity of the desire of the tantric massages are concepts. The concept of this form of massage is based on a sound, scientific visualization, creating sacred space, loving and other ceremonial practices. Use meditation, massage, sensual and sexual games is vital.

Massage is designed for building a high sexual energy as it leads to a strengthening of the resort and also helps you get to enjoy massage is carried out by other persons. blažený momentsTantra massage helps to learn and advance with taps and the extent of the potential for growth.Tantric massage is conduct which gives immediate results, and so people can experience the difference in the process of lovemaking.This massage can be specified for both partners and partners who can provide the same with each other.

There are various important factors here, that should be considered and, unlike regular lovemaking to orgasm, this massage believes in making better Access often causes performance. a great deal of frustration and performance anxiety is not objective, but it is the purpose of which is the Union of these massages became popular these days as most of the couples find less time communicate and search for alternatives to the body and mind together reunions with rejuvenating the soul and his spirit.(Source:


Rekomendasi massage in Jakarta:

Massage & Alamat Pijat Jakarta Jakarta

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Stress Anda Pijat Hilangkan

Lelah tax stress karena sibuk beraktivitas? Pijat atau salah bisa jadi private massage satu solusi untuk mengatasinya. Beberapa tipe pijat And dia yang bisa coba Anda.

Thai massage

Thailand to hanya dengan yang terkenal makanannya menggoyang lidah.Sensasi pijatannya yang Juga khas yakni tanpa lumuran minyak. Thai massage kekuatan yang menggunakan jempol titik untuk menekan lemah otot, lebih mengkonsentrasikan pijatan pada daerah punggung, kaki serta wajah. Untuk mendukung terapi (private massage) yang banyak menggunakan gerakan tubuh dan peregangan ini dilakukan di atas, sebaiknya matras serta menggunakan busana longgar dan lebih relaks agar nyaman.

Hot Stone massage

Jenis massage ini sedang kini populer.Pijat ini menggunakan kekuatan, Batu alam yang dapat menghantarkan blyny to tubuh.Pijatan ini dapat membuat mengurangi ketegangan otot tubuh dan menjadi relaks. Untuk maksimal was extinguishing a, kali, Batu pilih yang berwarna hitam berkualitas dan licin. Awali perawatan (private massage) dengan pijatan ringan pada tubuh dengan olesan minyak aromatherapy agar tubuh mengadakan penyesuaian. Kemudian tempelkan, Batu yang telah dengan dihangatkan mengikuti tulang punggung sedikit penekanan, agar blyny dengan baik terhantar. Diamkan 15 change their kemudian selama angkat.

Traditional massage

Ini yang paling Perawatan sederhana dan menjadi favorit.Pemakaian minyak aromatherapy yang membuat menenangkan sebagai orang kombinasinya, betah berlama Lama melakukan perawatan ini.Gerakannya pun sederhana melalui pijatan ringan di seluruh tubuh yang melenturkan kembali otot otot yang Anda dapat kaku. pun menggabungkannya dengan scrub untuk badan menghaluskan kulit.


Pijatan yang berasal dari Jepang ini juga menggunakan kekuatan yang jempol menelusuri otot. Shiatsu digemari mereka yang had sibuk tinggi dengan konsentrasi. Karena ITU karena tidak terapi ini disukai menyita banyak waktu dan gerakannya pun yang lebih pada otot menghubungkan to saraf otak. Yang penting lakukan peregangan ringan sebelum melakukan pijatan, agar otot-otot menjadi lebih relaks dulu (private massage).

1. Isilah perut minimum 1 jam sebelum melakukan perawatan atau private massage.
2. Berkomunikasilah mengetahui seberapa dengan doctor agar kuat tekanan pijatannya.
3. Meskipun dapat dilakukan di rumah, sebaiknya perawatan dilakukan di tempatnya karena Anda yang terlatih ditangani doctor.

View the original article here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tips Merawat Payudara Pijat Mudah

PERAWATAN payudara penting bagi para si kecil ibu setelah tidak lagi sudah minum air susu ibu (ABOUT). Pijatan tepat Teknik yang bisa membuat payudara lebih kencang dan indah.

Pada meat and meat INC biasanya seorang wanita akan mengalami perubahan bentuk anatomi tubuh, seperti urat-urat leher kendor dan payudara menurun to bawah serta lembek. Kondisi demikian masih bisa dengan diperbaiki pijat.

Supaya urat-urat leher menjadi buah dada fall, Dan keras montok kembali dan kenyal Perl dirawat dengan pijat. Caranya, dengan manipulasi pijatan seperti tekan dan menggunakan urut, seluruh permukaan tangan-jari jari, Dan dengan lembut.

Pijatan juga dilakukan pada seluruh urat-urat leher. Yaitu leher samping kiri kanan, depan leher samping kiri kanan. Urat urat belakang leher Juga sisi kiri kanan tulang leher, urat-urat bahu dan punggung urat belikat punggung dan tulang ANTAR. Pijatan dilakukan untuk mengembalikan remained urat peredaran darah dan memperlancar bagian dada, leher wajah dan.

Gunakan seluruh permukaan tangan Dan untuk mengurut payudara jari. Lalu di pijat, diremas-remas, dan sambil diurut to arah ariola.Gerakan pijatan memutar di kedua payudara. Pijatan dimulai ANTAR payudara sampai ke atas bawah sebelah.

Lalu tangan kiri kiri menyusur to samping, Dan tangan kanan to samping kanan melewati sebelah bawah payudara.Terus naik Dan kedua buah dada mengitari.Kedua tangan bertemu kembali di tengah-tengah ANTAR payudara.

Gerakan pijatan dilakukan secara lembut dan gerakan diulang-ulang. Perawatan kurang lebih dilakukan 30 change their tax bisa dilakukan sendiri waktu hendak mandi.

Agar gerak jari jemari licin supel, dan bisa kontinyu memakai krem. Pilihlah krem yang tidak mengandung zat lemak. Milikilah bentuk authority tubuh dan supaya cantik yang indah suami dan selalu sayang betah di rumah.(. Com/DARI THEN YADI inilah)

Alamat Pijat Pria di Jakarta:
Pijat massage massage Wanita, Jakarta Jakarta Alamat di Jakarta, Pijat Pria

View the original article here

Monday, October 18, 2010

Slow and sensual massage

The origin of the massage can be derived, Greece, Rome, Japan, China, Egypt and India. Includes putting pressure on the part of the body selected manually or using the widget. Tissues that are mostly targeted include skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, lymphatic vessels, or even the gastrointestinal system. Elbows, Fingers, hands, forearms, feet massage can be applied. Massages are seen as a form of therapeutic touch give rise to the feeling of relaxation and relief from muscular tension. It has been found useful for backaches, body aches, headache, joints and sensual excitement. Indeed, nothing is more natural than using touch relieve pain or distress.

When massaging the body are used different kinds of medicinal and aromatic oils. Remove dry skin and soften the body, the salt is used together with oil.Massage can be performed with a massage therapist or other health care professionals such as chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists and sports instructors. When medical research has shown that the various benefits of massaging, is not supported on good clinical studies.

The use of massage techniques for erotic massage or purpose is exciting erotic massages Erogenous zones of the body., such as the area on the weaknesses and intimate body parts, which are usually not in therapeutic massages are changed so that the increase in sexual arousal. The central area of sensual massage depends on the sex of the person receiving it and the masseuse/masseur.

Sensual massage can be used as sexual therapy, is as a means to stimulate libido, or increase the ability of persons to execute the sensual stimuli. In some cases it may be in the form of sexual gratification without Foreplay, intended for enhanced promotion of the sensitivity of the individual. In some cases, sensual massage, are used for professional purposes men issues about premature ejaculation.

There is nothing more relaxing than a sensually tactile sailing through the skin in the hands of the softly lit room. Aromatherapy is the art of the use of essential oils from aromatic plants to enhance the health and beauty. And not only helps to achieve the physical benefits. It has a softer effect of essential oils on the mind and the different emotions.

Sensual massage is romantic, intimate and relaxing. in fact, after a week's hectic and tiring, it cannot be a better way to deliver a variety of actions.Massaging the body includes the Correct application of pressure on the various places in the Nerve.Touching certain contact points in the text must be kept.This massage helps to release the pain and tension of the body.The final result is a completely relaxed feel.

However, before the start of the massage, the need to set the proper mood. Fragrant candles to help in creating the right atmosphere for soothing aromas and Dim. Flowers placed strategically can also help in the background you need soft music. some oil rose and Jasmine is known to have aphrodisiacal and are great for massage, sensual body. so how about like a relaxing massage this weekend?(

View the original article here

Tantra massage for men

There are many pressures that go through men, such as the grant of the exercise, as well as achieve. Tantra massage is one such massage, that is, without any kind of objectives. Tantra massage is totally passive man. Typical warm showers with the whole body of sensual massage that helps to optimize the active focus the mind of man and in leisure receptors in the body. It helps in enhancing the awareness of people.

The body is masírují attenuate the spirit as well as the body is nurtured and awakened. The entrance is of course on the first and second chakras. These chakras are known as the male g-spot or prostate gland, which is known as the access point for all of the energetic energy, which then leads to enlightenment.Digital, but fine technique is needed for travelling with these fine sites with greater receptivity. eyes, the professional stimulation and even deliberately targeting is used for the treatment of trauma or erase any kind of old, as well as negative imprinting on a sub.

The majority of the problems of sexual abuse at a young age or abandonment, or even refusal can be accessed through the Centre of sexual. most problems of trading in securities, finance and commitment can be stored or root Chakra muladhara, which is located at the bottom of the spinal cord. Loving energy and targeted intent can help bring these centres in harmony, the treatment of all the wounds of the opposite sex, and also to increase its capacity to feel pleasurable sensation.

Experience for each individual with the Tantra massage is absolutely different. Some women experience the whole body of orgasm, while the others who have a deep emotional release, which is followed by a huge pleasure.Maximum people would have strong dreams son after the massage for a few nights. it is important that men feel, as well as to show, whether it needs to lose a safe environment. Devoted to, and the wizard there to support them. It is a feeling that will be transformative for men, as well as unforgettable.

Most would associate the orgasm ejaculation, lovemaking has become performances, as well as the establishment of the orgasm. But as normal to release the tension, because it would not generacních sex.Different parts of the nervous system to activate the orgasm, and ejaculation.The most frequently occurring at the same time, but can be experienced individually and independently of each other.This means that you can have multiple orgasms men extended even without ejaculation.

Tantra massage humans will actually have the ability to maintain a high level of excitement often climaxes and delight that the unpaired. This would help people learn about their inner body and what happens in them, their mind, body, and spirit. when the person can achieve multi orgasmic then will be able to with their women more emotionally intimate and comfortable time to achieve their sexual bliss.(Source:


Rekomendasi massage in Jakarta:

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saint Peter Port pair accused of burglarizing Home

MARTIN COUNTY, Port St. Peter several accused of burglarizing home and use of stolen cash for full body massages before investigators caught with them and took them in custody Friday, Martin County sheriff courts Office said.

Cayla Sheats, 22, block 09.4100 of Poinsettia Avenue and Destry Alan Bittle, 18 of the 2400 block of Roney road, also allegedly bought drugs and clothing by cash $ 6,150, they stole from the State, Jensen Beach, Florida, according to their statements.

More than $ 10,000 worth of jewelry and perfume also was stolen during a burglary at home in the 500 block of North-East Sierra time State declarations.

The theft occurred, while the rest are housing between September 9. Bittle and Sheats entered the home through the bedroom window, in accordance with the declarations.

Investigators obtained information that points to Bittle and Sheats as suspects.Deputy said he stopped the car to the Federal Highway Bittle near Cove road and was given permission to search the vehicle.

Deputy find some of the stolen jewelry and perfume. Other pieces of jewelry have been sold to the local store to buy gold, the couple told the sheriff courts Office.

Sheats is stored in a county jail Martin, in the absence of guarantee of $ 20,750. Bittle is carried out in instead of $ 21,500 guarantees in prison.

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The best day Spas in Orange County

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Qi wellness and Spa offers an integrated Promo services

When you hear the word MASSAGE, almost always synonymous with relaxation. Well, actually relaxation with great plus. Massage is undoubtedly one of the oldest, the simplest forms of therapy. (F) a system of stroking, kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax stimulate and tone body. Unknown to the very simplest this form of therapy more than to create a pleasant sensation of the skin. Also works on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. During the massage pressing to a large extent reflects those muscles just under the skin, but the benefits of the can also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the authorities. It also stimulates the circulation of blood and Lymphatic system to help (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving waste disposal in the body.

EXPERIENCE body massages on a daily basis in Qi in 101% Office only half regular price from 10 hours to 2 pm! Full body massage Usually food to the highest volume during the sessions.Usually is dedicated to the back and the shoulders back, partly because a large part of the body, and partly because it is very common for people to raise tension. benefit from foot rubs or massages, face and head massage, a real pleasure in Qi.

Qi boasts of his pairs well, couples who want to spend peaceful moments together! Yoga room for 4 is available on the second floor. Aromatic upper deck there are three single rooms and two shower rooms with separated the compressor redirected away from the enchanting music.It also offers full beds for the face and head massage, steam bath, Spa areas of the disease. Qi proudly offered-surgical liposuction procedure using Aerosonic machine. This basic holistic Spa uses lavander oil is made comfortable while eucalyptus oil on aromatherapies, sweet smell of Spa.

The ongoing promota happens in Qi Holistic Wellness & Spa is the newest and latest Qi "ultra liposuction" burning fat more surgical way, safe and painless! Buy 1 session, take 1 session in this free! Enjoy 5 plus 1 free sessions of holistic spa packages!

INDEED, massages and Spas have emerged as one of the "treatment-yourself" treat for all Walks of life, perhaps to watching the movie, the most common form of relaxation. What does Qi different?In the Wellness & Spa Qi Holistic pampering treatment and every customer is the main objective.The best and most methodologies and techniques for their valued patrons is their mission with an affordable rates and a sweet service how to possibly go wrong?

Apply the SM city Pampanga, Qi Holistic Wellness & Spa is a place to spend your hard earned money in exchange for the necessary relaxation. What are you waiting for?, visit them now!

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In search of the beast Bardia

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The hours tick by and the suspense mounts, but the beast we are tracking seems just out of reach. From my perch on the cushioned howdah I crane for a distant glimpse of the gargantuan creature – but the bush is still thick ahead.

The driver, the phanit, directs the elephant we are riding through a thicket with a light thwack of his stick, which sets her galumphing down to a silt beach by a shallow channel of the Karnali river.

Suddenly our party of six female elephants stop dead in their tracks, and you can sense wild bull elephant testosterone in the air. There he is, 40 yards in front of us, a colossal specimen with a giant twin-domed head and great sparkling tusks. We have surely found the Beast of Bardia.

I have joined an expedition in the jungle of Nepal with Colonel John Blashford-Snell’s Scientific Exploration Society (SES). We are on the trail of the infamous Raja Gaj, a hulking animal once considered to be more mammoth than elephant, but later discovered to be the largest specimen of Asiatic tusker ever recorded.

Blashford-Snell, one of the 20th century’s most colourful explorers, had first heard rumours of a mammoth-like bull elephant running riot in Bardia, a region of western Nepal, in 1987. Determined to get to the truth behind the legend, he collected evidence of footprints and rare sightings, and listened to tales of death and destruction.

The beast, then aged in its mid-forties, was seen only at night when it emerged from the forest to feed on village gardens and smash down the heavy mud walls of houses. It had probably been responsible for the deaths of several Nepalese villagers through trampling. Blashford-Snell listened to tales about the elephant’s massive domed head and tusks and heard claims that it was a direct descendant of the extinct woolly mammoth, one of an aggressive sub-species that had genetically evolved in the Nepalese jungle.

Blashford-Snell was certainly the man for the job. Born in Jersey in 1936, he spent 37 years in the Army. Now 73, he has organised and led more than 100 expeditions to the frontiers of the world. Still an imposing, lean figure, Blashford-Snell has never lost his appetite for adventure.

As a Royal Engineer in 1968 he made the first ever descent of the Blue Nile from its source, Lake Tana in Ethiopia, to the Sudanese border. 'People thought we were mad when we said we would go down the rapids in rubber boats,’ he said. 'But it worked.’ This was the inspiration for white-water rafting as we know it today.

In 1974/5 he navigated almost all of the 2,700 miles of the Congo. He also established the youth charity now known as Raleigh International, running volunteer projects and global expeditions. In 2000 he managed to take a grand piano through the jungle to the musical Wai Wai tribe in Guyana.

Blashford-Snell first tracked down two of the giant Nepalese elephants on an expedition to the Bardia National Park in Nepal in 1992. The SES party estimated the height of the larger bull to be 11ft 3in at the shoulder, its weight close to eight tons, its tusks more than 7ft long. They named it Raja Gaj, King Elephant.

Further SES expeditions to the area recorded the existence of a herd of up to 50, including cows and calves. A television documentary, Mammoth Hunt, was made about Blashford-Snell – the film crew survived a full-blooded charge from Raja Gaj’s companion, Kancha, when all their equipment was scattered – and he co-wrote a book of the same name with the actress Rula Lenska, who went on one of the expeditions.

In 1992, following the publicity generated around Raja Gaj, the country’s wildlife conservation department enlisted 600 troops from the Nepalese Army to guard the Bardia park from poachers. But after the Maoist revolution in 2002 poachers encroached on the park again.

Six years ago Raja Gaj disappeared completely. There were rumours that he had been poached or swept away in a flood. But no remains were found. Then, last year, the Kathmandu press reported that Raja Gaj was back, a little leaner than before, but alive and about 70 years old, according to the Bardia game wardens.

It was a mystery Blashford-Snell could not resist. Was Raja Gaj really still alive after all this time? Or was it another massive tusker? He set about organising one more hunt for his long-lost friend. Now something of a celebrity in Nepal (there is a rapid on the Trisuli river called Snell’s Nose where Blashford-Snell broke his hooter), he was granted special permission from the government for a seven-day expedition this year.

The park, which covers more than 370 square miles, is like a land that time forgot. Its species include wild Asian elephants, Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos, sloth bears, chital and sambhar deer (spotted and shaggy), black wild boar, monkeys, golden jackals, pink Gangetic dolphins, and long-snouted, fish-eating gharial crocodiles. Among the SES party for the expedition are crew from previous trips – from artists to zoologists and photographers – including Sue Hilliard, a fingerprint specialist with Mersey­side police who is an expert at identifying the tuskers; Sir Charles Blois, an experienced adventurer; Ali Criado Perez, a nurse with Médecins sans Frontières; and Blashford-Snell’s wife, Judith, the ever-present and humorous foil to his grandiose ambition.

By the third day the expedition party has narrowed down the areas where the tuskers may be found but has discovered no tracks. In a party of six elephants, riding three to a howdah, we set off on a southern recce. We cross a small tributary where tiny golden mahseer fish sparkle around a fallen branch in the water. We wander for miles through tangled vegetation that would take a man with a machete days to pass through. Hitlaal, our phanit, gently massages the skin behind the ears of his elephant, Sonar Kali, with his bare toes.

He directs her left and right with his feet, and keeps her speed up with the odd whack on the head with a stick – about as hard as being castigated with a small twig would be for us. When we come to a seemingly impassable tree, Hitlaal gives the command to break the branches – 'Kuba! Kuba!’ – and with a couple of trunk-swats the obstacle is removed by our own private bulldozer.

We arrive at a sparsely populated savannah of imposing kapok trees, the macabre nature of their gothic branches and crimson flowers accentuated by a deer carcase at the foot of one of the trunks. Sightings include a scuttling mongoose, an Indian horned rhino, plated like an ancient war machine, and a sleepy python digesting its lunch. But still no wild tuskers.

It is funny how safe you feel on top of an elephant – ironic, because it is easy to forget the strength of your ride, which could flick you off and nonchalantly trample you to death if it felt like it. But there is an extraordinary bond between elephant and man. Humans have been training elephants since 3500BC; the Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the Alps on his Atlas tuskers in 219bc. Elephants can understand 30 or more commands, but you have to be very careful when they are injured or jealous. It is not wise to swap the elephant you are riding on, or to be too widespread with your affection. In the late 1970s one of the females in our party, Madu Mala Kali (Honey Blossom), fought with another, Kristjen Bahadur, and when the handler walked over between them, she lashed out with her trunk and broke his back. He died from his injuries.

The care needed for domestic elephants requires a jungle pit-lane crew. As well as the phanit there is a mahout in charge of the elephant’s diet and health. Every day he must make 70 brick sandwiches of molasses and salt wrapped in folded grass; he has to be clever enough to get medicine down the elephants’ throats when they are adept at sensing and blowing out any powder in their food before they eat it. And then there is bath time. Every elephant is happiest when it is being bathed and scrubbed behind the ears.

When danger is near, elephants communicate by trumpeting or emitting a low growling sound. One afternoon there is a deep trembling inside Sonar Kali, an almost impalpable tremor of warning: tiger. The elephants come together and continue their growling, surrounding the area where a female tiger is crouching, 10 yards away. The tiger eyes us for a few seconds before strolling purposefully away; we glimpse her sleek, striped and muscled back as she slopes off into the jungle.

On the morning of the fourth day our luck changes. At first light we spy wild elephant tracks no more than a day old. Then we spot an enormous mound of dung and a trail of destruction, as if wrought by a steamroller, leading through the bush. We follow the tracks to a tributary of the Karnali where our elephants cross, wading through rapids five or six feet deep.

More broken branches on the other side lead through fields of yellow lentils into the village of Gola, where much damage has been done in the past. About 850 schoolchildren of the Dangora Tharus tribe are there to greet us. Last year, two children were trampled to death in the middle of the night by a wild bull elephant. The village has electric fences, but even so the children are 'very frightened by elephants’, the assistant headmaster, Tikaram Chaudhary, tells us.

'Hearts and minds of the locals are crucial,’ Blashford-Snell says as he hands out gifts of school and sports equipment. 'We must teach them about conservation so they will not have to poach to survive.’ Blashford-Snell and the children scramble up on to the backs of the domestic tuskers to play elephant soccer. The elephants pick up the ball with their trunks and wander off the pitch; then one of them treads on the ball and bursts it. The children scream with delight.

Just as we are starting to think about lunch, one of the team spies through his binoculars a wild elephant on the other side of the river. A ripple of excitement runs through the party.

'It looks like a huge bull,’ Blashford-Snell says. 'I can only see its behind, and it’s jolly big. If he has scars on his bottom then that’s Raja Gaj.’

We cross the river again and approach quietly on the left flank through the bush, but the bull is out of our eyeline for half an hour, which makes us nervous that he might appear at any moment. Another order snaps through the walkie-talkies from Blashford-Snell, who is leading the way on his elephant: 'We need identification before he gets away. Please try to take photos of his left buttock.’

For a split second, we come face to face with the gargantuan head of the bull. The rugged tusks and the head with its distinctive twin domes make him look like a wild ancient creature. Our domestic elephants freeze. As soon the bull sees us he throws up dust with his trunk and flees for the cover of the bush. He has no scars on his bottom. It is not Raja Gaj, the Beast of Bardia, but a stunning younger bull (about 25) with a similar domed head, hulking body, long tusks and sloping back. He turns to face us – it feels like a moment frozen in time, a few slow seconds of visceral excitement. Then he charges.

Our adrenaline goes into orbit. Hitlaal puts Sonar Kali into reverse, and we quickly shamble to a safe distance. 'I wouldn’t like to see what would happen if you didn’t back away from a bull like that,’ Blashford-Snell says.

At least we have had time to take pictures and a laser measurement down to his toes. The general feeling is that he must be the offspring of Raja Gaj, and he is swiftly named Rajim – son of Raja Gaj. Big though Rajim is (more than 9ft at the shoulder), he will not outgrow his father, according to Professor Adrian Lister of the Natural History Museum in London, who had been on previous SES expeditions to Bardia. It was Lister who had discovered in 1994 that the DNA of the Bardia tuskers matched that of the smaller Asian elephants, although their domed heads are reminiscent of their ancient Asiatic ancestor, the woolly mammoth.

'If Rajim is 25-30 and 9ft at the shoulder, he might grow to be 10ft 4in by the age of 40,’ Lister says. 'It is hard to speculate how much he may grow after this; some of these elephants continue to grow for the rest of their life.’

After I had left Bardia, the expedition encountered a second, smaller bull elephant and the footprints of about 18 wild elephants and their calves in a nearby valley – the future of these rare Nepalese tuskers seems secure. Raja Gaj may well be dead. Long live Rajim.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

"Inner edge" author to speak of the women's wellness

20-year-old women wellness Slavi weekend, full health and wellness education sessions and activities of women of all ages in the village at Squaw on 23-24 October.

Keynote speaker is night k. J., author of the "inner edge;10 Practices of personal leadership. "Jay bus leaders in the strategies of personal leadership--what management expert Peter Drucker once called "leadership is to only relevant in the 21st century."

The "inner edge" offers 10 practices of personal leadership, showing the leaders to improve their effectiveness in sustaining sense of occupational well-being.

Event starts with health and wellness workshops, including topics such as breast medicine, knowledge is power "by Dr. Ahrin Koppel, new Tahoe Forest hospital hematologist/oncologist;"Whens and Whys to buy organic" by Stephanie Riley; "How many sheep must count?" by Dr. Greg Tirdel; Tips for the control of your weight; ""Longevity of women--tips can extend your years and keep you feeling good "by Dr. Paul Krause; "Dreamtending" by Dr. Kim Bateman;"Top 10 exercises to get the body you want" and "Optimal digestion for energy, weight loss and immune."

Girls of performance hosts second annual "LUNAFEST Film Festival" at 5: 30 p.m. cost is $ 49 per person in advance and $ 55 of the neck.The price includes dinner, wine and women's wellness participants. receive $ 5 discount.

On 24 October see health fair specifically designed for women of all ages, which includes the free screenings, massages and the exercise of a group of classes. special screenings are as follows: balance screening, gait analysis test, body fat, bone density screening and detection of skin cancer. Other proposals include: Brow waxing, demonstration of the chair massage and biofeedback.

Optional guided group hike in Squaw Valley and the exercise of a group of classes shall also be available.Enjoy the "good morning flow Yoga Mat Pilates class, open ski boot camp and conditioning, together with the main classes of exercise and Yoga for sleep.

(2 of 2)

Animal nutrition rapid class will also offers 24 October.

Topics include planning of flour and guided tour in the grocery store to select choice of adverse dense and the whole wholesome food. learn how to clear understanding of the labelling of food and choice of optimal health.

Low cost laboratory screenings, lipids and metabolic Panel, are available for advance women's wellness women's wellness participants for $ 57. subscribe online.

Women's wellness laboratory draws will be offered from 4 to 15 October all places of laboratories of Tahoe Forest plant health system--Incline Village Community Hospital, Tahoe City, Tahoe Forest hospital laboratory and Tahoe Truckee Forrest professional healthcare--during a regular laboratory.

Participants should choose their laboratory results of women wellness health fair, from 9 a.m. on 24 October 2 hours.

The cost of women wellness is $ 60 per person for the whole event. register and find a complete list of classes in

For more information call 530-587-3769. for more information on Tahoe Forest phytosanitary system visit

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The best day Spas in Los Angeles

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October 14, 2010 11:09 AM

Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage at Kinara (credit:

Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage at Kinara (credit:

We Care is well beyond the frenetic orbit of Los Angeles, and that's what makes it great. (Credit:

If your aim is to truly unwind and relax, de-stress and detox (and no, not in the Lohan sense of the word), this assortment of LA-based spas will have you uttering soothing mantras and resetting your chakra in no time. But a fair word of warning: some of these places are pretty pricey, so be prepared to loosen those purse strings along with your limbs.

Be sure to also check our our guide to Best Day Spas in OC

Therapeutic Hot Stone Massage at Kinara (credit:

656 N Robertson Blvd
West Hollywood, CA
(310) 657-9188
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Given its rather ironic namesake (the word ‘kinara’ is Hindi for “on the edge”), this Tinseltown-based spa has earned a wide-hailed rep for being a glossy, low-key, sun-dappled den of tranquility. Helmed by renowned Yugoslavian skin care guru Olga Lorencin-Northrup, this urban oasis offers discerning patrons everything from wraps, rubs and body waxing to firm-fingered shiatsu and soothing scalp massages. Above all, it provides privacy on the shower and steam room front to those who would rather steer clear of communal saunas and whirlpools. And if you’re seeking complexion perfection, Kinara is quite well known as a “go-to” place for famous females aiming for a great glow on the facial front, including Christina Applegate and Halle Berry. Gift certificates and custom packages are readily available through the Kinara website for both singles and couples, among them the “Summer Daydream” which gives buyers three-hours of high-end bliss, including a salt scrub, Swedish massage, foot rub, facial, pedicure and manicure. If you don’t go home on a cloud after that, there’s no hope for you.

An Outdoor Massage at Le Petite Retreat (credit:

331 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 466-1028
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One of the most acclaimed and soothing day spas in L.A. (write-ups vouching such have appeared in Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Lucky), Le Petite is just what it seems to be: a tiny, quiet and well-kept secret in the heart of Larchmont Village that is, remarkably, popular with some of Hollywood’s most high profile yet private faces, including Angelina Jolie, Will Ferrell, Gwen Stefani and Johnny Depp. A soothing low-key restoration haven specializing in everything from combined warm stone deep-tissue massage (very Zen), cleansing salt and herb wraps, to hydrotherapy and body waxing, Le Petite also has a variety of lush spa packages available for those who really want to splurge on the comfort front. And yes, gentlemen, this spot allows for same-room “couple’s treatments,” if you’d like to join in your loved one’s relaxation. Prices range from $60 and up.

Willow Spa (credit:

3127 Santa Monica
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(323) 302-4857
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Take one step inside this wonderfully out-of-place tropical paradise, and you may feel like you stepped backwards in time and onto the set of Memoirs of A Geisha, and with good reason. From its Japanese enzyme baths to its exotic floral displays to its cut-stone walks, Willow Spa is a holistic haven ideally suited to anyone who’s looking for a lush and laid-back escape from the frantic L.A. pace. Among the services offered include a variety of deep tissue massage, fresh fruit skin care, and enzyme baths. As for those of you “hard to convince” types, just go there and enjoy a complimentary citrus flower foot soak and foot massage. You may just be sold into the idea of staying longer.

Brooks Massage in LA (credit:

7619 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 937-8781
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For those of you low-maintenance, non-luxury seekers looking to release a little negative energy and just loosen up the kinks, your best bet is Brooks Massage, whose back-to-basics storefront belies a humble and courteous rubdown team famous for waiting on their patrons hand and foot, in every wonderful sense of the expression. A variety of massage techniques are available (Swedish, reflexology are among them), sessions are booked by the hour or the half-hour and, thanks to the lack of high-end bells and whistles, very affordable. There’s also a lovely sauna / steam room where you can relax in the essence of eucalyptus and, oh yes, rumor has it they serve CHOCOLATE (though likely not in the steam room). The only downside is dealing with parking, which is confined to the street and hence, can be a pain in the neck. The upside: going face down on one of their comfortable tables after you pull a tight parallel job out of L.A. traffic can only be of benefit to that same neck. The massage team will also do off-site calls (home, hotel room, etc), and group rates are available.

Thibiant Beverly Hills (credit:

449 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 278-7565
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As the saying on the L.A. spa scene goes: “Everybody who’s anybody knows all about Aida.” And if that isn’t enough (or you’re from out of town), all you have to do is get a gander at Aida Thibiant’s long-standing and diverse roster of loyal and lovely clientele (Ali McGraw, Hayden Panettiere among them), and you’ll soon see why this now-retired Beverly Hills legend earned her rep as “the Face Saver to the Stars.” Now run by the renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Harry Glassman, the spa itself still provides an assortment of massages, skin treatments, wraps and nail care options originally offered by Aida, and customized for anyone looking to unwind and freshen up after a rough day or week. As for those of you interested in Botox, peels, laser hair removal, or other high-tech anti-aging methods, Dr. Glassman & Co. are available for consults. An assortment of emollients and moisturizers created by Aida are also available for purchase on site or online.


7700 Santa Monica Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90046
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Voda blends a day spa experience with old-world Russian traditions of banya, saunas and steam baths, and platza, the massage technique of tapping the skin with bundles of oak, birch and eucalyptus. You can also book everything from a caviar bodywrap to a glycolic skin peel, and all the typical massage and skin services as well.


1401 South Oak Knoll Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106
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East meets west at this luxury spa with its Chuan Body & Soul Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies. Revitalize with acupuncture or a massage designed to balance your unique qi (life force). Have a seashell facial or indulge in the full-service hair and nail salon.


25000 Glen Ivy Road
Corona, CA 92883
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This legendary spa has offshoot locations but it’s worth the trek to the mother church, now celebrating its 150th anniversary (almost unheard of in Los Angeles). Top notch body, nail and skin work can be booked – but it’s the 11 acres of grounds that make Glen Ivy heaven on Earth. Dip into mineral springs, soak in a saline pool, float on a lounger and then cover yourself in exfoliating mud. Great food, too. You’ll stay all day.

We Care Spa (credit:

18000 Long Canyon Road
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241
(760) 251-2261
More Info

Though the usual roster rounds out at five, we’d be remiss not to include one last entry. Why? Because, like the name of the spa itself: we care. The other reason for this exception is because it is NOT based in Los Angeles but well beyond its frenetic orbit, and rightfully so. A classic and quiet full-body detox haven located in the heart of Desert Hot Springs, We Care’s high-paying patrons (celebs like Matt Damon, Liv Tyler and Gisele Bündchen are said to be among their clientele) can do yoga, swim, get a massage or meditate, and/or willingly partake of round-the-clock feasts of organic vegetable juice and fruits, the ultimate purpose of the latter being to help the body purge itself of toxins. Daily colonics are encouraged, though not required, and many say weight loss (though not necessarily a goal) is guaranteed. A very popular and plush place for folks looking to get away from the urban grind, it’s also extremely expensive. Check their website for rates.

Born and raised in L.A., Andrea Renskoff’s knowledge spans trendy hubs to the diamonds in the rough to escapes from the ordinary. She currently writes about food, travel, families, health, wellness and lifestyle.

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